Winning And Losing Is ALL IN YOUR HEAD...

Peak Sports Performance Coach
Mike Moran Swears Under Oath That
Athletes On His 5 Day
Mental Blueprint Of Champions Program
Do NOT Take Any Illegal
Performance Enhancing Drugs

Mike Says His Athletes Are Simply Harnessing The Neglected Mental
Power ANYONE Can Tap Into In Just 5 Days...

Sure It's An Unfair Advantage But It's 100% Legal And Ethical!

Sport Mental Training Imagine tapping into the same psychological science used by the Navy Seals, FBI agents, airline pilots and elite police units to enhance performance in high pressure, life and death situations.

    Imagine a mental program proven to work just as well for athletes and sports people like you as it does for the elite professionals we rely on every day to keep us safe.

    This 5 day mental makeover program is so powerful my athletes have been repeatedly accused (unjustly) of taking performance enhancing drugs!

    And I don't blame their opponents for complaining.

    It just doesn't seem possible that any ordinary human being can go into competition and perform flawlessly to the peak of their ability day in, day out, month after month.

    In fact playing any sport without these powerful, performance enhancing mind control techniques is putting you at a tremendous disadvantage...

It's like being completely clean and
competing against athletes
pumped full of steroids!

    My name is Mike Moran and for the first time I'm revealing my years of research working with the New England Sports Science Institute...teaching real live athletes to take charge of their minds and boost their sports performance...often overnight.

    It doesn't matter if you're in track and field, running, golf, tennis, swimming, pole vault, car racing, soccer, basketball, baseball, football...even table tennis...this powerful 5 day mental blueprint of champions is 100% guaranteed to work for you.

    If you've ever had a day where you'd give a kidney just to feel that smooth effortless performance flowing through you...the "zone" or "sweet spot" where everything just works and you feel like you can do anything...

    If you've had a key moment in competition where you wished you get your hands to stop trembling with anxiety or stop your stomach churning...

    If you'd like to discover the scientifically proven secrets of harnessing the colossal power of your mind so you can play your absolute best EVERY time you compete then this is the breakthrough you've been looking for...

The Iron Curtain Is Down And
The Best Kept Mental Training Secrets Are Out!

    In recent years we've come to believe we were being beaten on the Olympic stage by the Soviets and especially the East Germans because their athletes were pumped full of anabolic steroids.

    But my research and the cutting edge research of other sports psychologists is suggesting we may have underestimated the sophistication of the East German training program.

    We may have overlooked the most powerful part of their training program...the mental training.

    One reason we may have overlooked the East Germans' mental training program is that is seemed too simple...

    Yet these same techniques were considered so powerful that the East German government declared them a state secret!

    Now a whole range of mind power techniques are emerging as the greatest untapped development in sports performance this century.

    And for the first time you can discover how to harness the power of your mind over just 5 as little as 15 minutes a day!

    On this page I'm going to give you a chance to download the full course manual for my Mental Blueprint Of Champions program.

    You'll be amazed at how simple it really is to take control of your mind and perform beyond expectations with astonishing regularity.

    I'll reveal to you proven methods like...

The 5 Minute "Power Formula" You Can Use Immediately...

As soon as you download your program manual go straight to page 5 and follow my proven 5 Minute Power Formula to improve your sports performance right now.

No need to wait or learn anything...just follow the simple step by step instructions.

Imagine it.  With a simple, enjoyable 5 minute exercise you can be playing and performing literally like the sports superstar you admire the most.

And that's before you even get to the first lesson in this amazing sports mind power program...

    Your full course manual comes with 5 sections.

    You read one tightly edited section each day and start using the techniques immediately to blow your sports performance into the stratosphere.

    It's like having me right there by your side when you train and compete, whispering the best kept mental training secrets into your ear...

    Every lesson in this program will give you the unfair advantage you need to become the champion you truly deserve to be.

    Your mental training program kicks off with...

Mental Blueprint Of Champions Program Day 1...
Reprogramming Your Subconscious

    EVERY sports champion in history has developed powerful subconscious habits that lead to success in training and under the tough pressure cooker of competition.

    Most champions train their subconscious by accident...a slow process that evolves painfully over many years of blood, sweat and tears moving towards winning behavior and away from losing behavior.

    But I'll show you the secrets of reprogramming your subconscious fast...In just one day you can start thinking like a champion.

    The secrets you'll discover in day 1 of your program include...
  • 6 elite mental training strategies you can start using immediately to turn your mind into a heat seeking missile that's always searching for the best way for you to win...
  • The key lesson you can learn from the Star Wars character Yoda and why this lesson can change your sports career and your life forever...
  • How to KILL the gremlins in your head that constantly sabotage your best performance...

And there's more.  You'll also discover... 
  • How to flip a secret "switch" in your head that will turn your subconscious into an automatic success seeking GPS tracking machine.
  • The 2 secret mental ingredients all champions have that reduces their anxiety, shrinks the pressure they feel and reduces their chance of choking to near zero. I'll show you how to build these key ingredients inside yourself fast...
  • Why 97% of sports people will NEVER perform to their maximum potential.  If you're ignoring this fundamental principle it's impossible for you to make it in your's as simple as that...

That's just day 1.  Then we move on to...

Mental Blueprint Of Champions Program Day 2...
The Hidden Secrets Of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

    Even if you've used neuro-linguistic programming in the past to help improve your performance, chances are you aren't using a tenth of the little known strategies I reveal in this section of your program.

    And if you're NOT using neuro-linguistic programming to enhance your sports performance then day 2 will be a HUGE eye opener for you.

    I'll show you...
  • The secret Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris used to blast their negative patterns to pieces.  If you keep falling into the same bad habits in your sport or you seem to be stuck in the doldrums then this simple method can break you free in minutes...even seconds!
  • A powerful lesson the US Olympic Softball team stole from Navy Seals training that helped them steamroll their opposition.  In their 1996 Gold medal victory they annihilated every team they played with an unheard of combined total of 51-1.
    I'll reveal how you can develop the cast iron Navy Seals mindset fast and start performing at up to TEN TIMES the level you ever thought was possible!
  • The key psychological secret employed by the 1980 US Gold medal winning hockey team that allowed them to live out their lives as American heroes...once they were OFF the ice.  You can start using this secret just seconds after I reveal it to you.
And we're just getting started.  You'll be amazed what you'll discover in...

Mental Blueprint Of Champions Program Day 3...
The Powerful Force Behind Autogenic Conditioning

    Autogenic conditioning is a mental training method that dates back to the 1800s but was honed to powerful laser like precision by the East German Olympic coaches and athletes in the 20th century.

    In fact autogenic conditioning is so immensely powerful the East Germans classified it as a state secret!

    And on day 3 I've laid out a step by step program to reveal to you the exact same secret mind power techniques the East Germans used to win more Olympic Gold medals per capita than any other nation in history.

    You'll get all the best kept "state secrets" including...
  • How Muhammad Ali won every bout long before he stepped into the ring and how you can guarantee victory in your sport before you ever enter the competition... 
  • The secret discovered by Genevan Doctor Emile Coue in 1895 that the Soviet Union used to power their 1980 Winter Olympics mental training program.
  • Why "focused relaxation" is one of the biggest keys to powerful sports performance and 5 proven relaxation methods you can choose from at will to instantly find that state of relaxed "flow".

And you won't believe this mind training secret that's been hidden from you...


EVERY 1988 US Olympic Team Member Uses One Of These
7 Mind Power Techniques...

After downloading your Mental Blueprint Of Champions Program go straight to page 94 and follow the step by step instructions...

You'll be harnessing 7 mind power techniques that go beyond hypnotism, relaxation or any method you've used before and almost guarantee you'll perform at your best and become a true champion in your sport.

In one astonishing study of 1,200 Olympic hopefuls ALL those who made the 1988 US Olympic team used at least one of these 7 techniques.

Best of all YOU can start using every one of these techniques to revolutionize your performance in mere minutes...

    And there's still more.  I want to give you every tool you need to reach the dreams you have deep down inside.

    So after day 3 we move on to...

Mental Blueprint Of Champions Program Day 4...
Explode Your Mind Power With "Tonal Entrainment"

    "Tonal Entrainment" is a method that many great athletes learn to use by accident that can super charge your mental training and your results.  And when you know the simple steps to take to unleash its full power the outcomes can be explosive.

    Tonal entrainment began 2,000 years ago at the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece and some amazing modern studies and applications are turning this method into a 21st century colossus.

    Take these 2 studies as examples...
  • A study from Hampden-Sydney college in Virginia showed men on exercise bikes for 10 minutes pedaled 11% farther when they used tonal entrainment.  What would an 11% increase in your performance mean to your results in competition and in training?
  • Another study found runners increased their stamina by an average of 32% using a simple tonal entrainment technique that you can master in seconds...
    In day 4 of your Mental Blueprint Of Champions I'll show you how simple tonal entrainment really is, how you can start using this method starting just seconds after reading this section of your program and...

    I'll show you how to super charge your new tonal entrainment techniques simply by combining them with the mental training techniques you've already mastered in the first 3 days of your program!

    After day 4 you'll be flying!

    You'll find it hard to believe you're playing so well and it's all coming to you so easily.

    And on the next day I'll show you how to use your mind so you can keep flying free as a bird for as long as you keep playing your sport...

Mental Blueprint Of Champions Program Day 5...
Overcoming Life's Little Monkey Wrenches

    If you've been training in any sport for more than a week you KNOW that things NEVER go according to plan.

    There's always something unexpected that comes up...another little surprise spanner thrown in the works that makes it a little more difficult for you to become the champion you know you can be.

    So for day 5 of your mental training program I've put together a series of resources, tips and tricks you can use in the real world to ensure your mental training program stays on track giving you the powerful results you deserve.

    Day 5 includes...
  • 5 "psych out secrets" to trick your body into working out harder, faster and longer...
  • How to avoid insomnia and sleep every night like a champion...even the night before competition!
  • Lance Armstrong's simple mental power technique that allowed him to come back after fighting cancer and win the Tour De France over and over.  This technique is the key to bouncing back fast from illness or injury and performing the best you ever have in your life!
  • The key secret you can steal from a 2001 study by the Loma Linda School Of Medicine that will allow you to slash your stress while you're having the time of your life...
  • A brain dead easy method you can use to break out of any slumps you fall into FAST...This is so easy you'll feel like you're just goofing off while your blasting your mind out of the rut that's killing your performance!

    In just 5 days following this program for as little as 15 minutes a day you'll be astonished at how this range of powerful mind control techniques are revolutionizing your performance.

You'll Be Performing In The "Zone" With Ease
Nearly Every Time You Train And Compete...

    And you'll wonder why you ever thought anything about your sport was in the least bit difficult.

    How much have you spent on coaching, equipment, training and travel just to tank out and perform like a real loser?

    It's so easy to blow $1,000 to $2,000 over a period of a few short months pursuing your sporting dreams.

How much is it worth to you to perform at your best every time you compete?  

    When I put on my 5 day mental training course athletes are thrilled to pay $500 for the full program...$100 for each day of mental training.

    And they're universally rapt at the amazing results they start getting almost immediately.

    I thought seriously of charging you the full $500 for this program but then I

You Deserve A Break...

    You deserve a chance to see for yourself how powerful these proven mind power techniques can be...

    A chance to see for yourself how this program can make every minute you spend playing your sport a real joy instead of an endless grinding agony.

    So if you act today I'll let you download the full 165 page, 5 part training program for 3 easy payments of $59

    Here's a breakdown of what you'll be downloading just minutes from now...

Mental Blueprint Of Champions Program Manual...

Day 1 Reprogramming Your Subconscious $100.00 Value...

Day 2 Neuro-Linguistic Programming $100.00 Value...

Day 3 Autogenic Conditioning $100.00 Value...

Day 4 Tonal Entrainment $100.00 Value...

Day 5 Life's Monkey Wrenches $100.00 Value...

A Grand Total Of $500.00 Value
For 3 Easy Payments Of $59

    And you can try out the whole program completely risk free for 90 days.

    I'm so confident you'll be astounded by your enhanced sports performance when you use my mental training program I'm going to give you a full 90 days to try it out at my risk.

    If you're not absolutely THRILLED with the results you're getting you can let me know and I'll give you a full refund of your money any time within 90 days of purchase.

    It gets better.  If you're fast I'll also GIVE you one more free gift worth $250...

30 Days Of Email Coaching...$250 Value
FREE If You Act NOW!

    I really want to make sure you get powerful benefits you deserve from your Mental Blueprint Of Champions program.

    So if you're one of the next 10 people who take advantage of this fantastic offer I'll give you my private email address.

    For the next 30 days you can email me with all your questions and feedback as you start employing each of these powerful mind training techniques.

    Obviously my time is limited and I can't give email coaching to everyone who follows my program so you must act now to claim this $250 bonus email coaching.

    I'd really hate to see you miss out.

    I know what it's like to struggle in sport.  I know the pain you feel deep in your gut when things just aren't going the way you know they should.

    And I also know how easy and how much pure, plain fun your sport can really be.

    Click on the Paypal button below right now and just minutes from now you can experience the amazing difference the Mental Blueprint Of Champions training program can make for you...

Yours sincerely,
Sports mental training mike moran
Mike Moran,
Peak Sports Performance Coach,
New England Sports Science Institute

P.S. I wish you could spend just one day with me and see the joy on the faces of the wonderful sportsmen and women I work with.

    I wish you could see how they train and compete at or near their maximum potential day in and day out.

    Sports was meant to be fun and as crazy as it sounds you can perform many times better having the time of your life.

    It's a shame for you to struggle when you can be winning more often so easily.

    Click on the Paypal button below right now and start your mental training revolution...